Our wireless sensors detect any potential intrusion/threat and trigger an alarm and notify both you and our Alarm Monitoring Center (ARC).
Our Alarm Receiving Center(ARC) provides constant monitoring of your premises, while protecting your privacy.
Our Alarm Receiving Center(ARC) provides constant monitoring of your premises, while protecting your privacy.
In case of any emergency situation, our team of trained response officers visit your premises within minutes and ensure your safety.
We have the largest alarm receiving centre in India with a capacity to monitor lacs of sites in parallel.
Our cutting-edge technology provides uninterrupted alarm to our command centre in seconds.
Get access to log events in our dedicated app. Do more than just viewing your activities. Map, track, arm, and disarm from your mobile app.
Our trained response officers verify threats and come prepared for necessary responsive actions in minutes.
VProtect’s security devices and equipment work on AI. Each alarm that’s raised at our command centre gets verified by human response officers.
All wireless devices have approved ETA License from WPC Wing of the Ministry of Communications.